Be it clothing, bags or machines, virtually every successful product and high-quality brand has been imitated by product counterfeiters. But unlike cheap copies of suits, counterfeit machines and lubricants can disrupt production processes in companies and lead to major damage.
Just about everything is copied, including compressors, spare parts, logos, documentation and brochures. Experienced counterfeiters copy with a superficial perfection that makes it difficult to tell them apart from originals. However, the performance data and the efficiency of pirated products are a long way away from the high standards of original BITZER products. Owing to the low quality of the components used, both the service life and operative reliability of the compressors are significantly reduced.
Specific measures
BITZER has been applying QR codes to all of its products since 1 April 2015, allowing you to use a simple standard smartphone app to verify the authenticity of each BITZER product. The code also gives you direct access to BITZER’s website. There you will find the corresponding manual and the operating instructions regarding compressor installation, electrical supply, oil charge and dimensions, as well as information about spare parts and application recommendations.
Find out here how to tell the difference between an original and a fake. You can even report any counterfeits to us directly from there.